United Way Suncoast Makes a Run For It

uw run

United Way Suncoast Crew

About marsha strickhouser

Plate Girl, or Marsha, is not a girl, but a full grown woman who has been collecting dishes - yes, dishes - since I was a little girl. My grandmother was a newspaper food editor, my mother was a teacher and later an antiques dealer. I am guilty of reading Southern Living magazines ... just to look at the PLATES the recipes were served on.  I have more dishes than I need, and I promise I have given plates and sets of dishes to many, many people over the years. I believe setting a festive table makes the meal better and the day or night more memorable. I live in Tampa Bay were I set my table (and the tables of as many others who let me), as well as visit restaurants, hotels and beaches where I admire and photograph all things I think are pretty.  I have my degree in journalism from the University of Miami and have worked in public relations for more than 20 years. To contact me about about a blogging relationship, please email me at marshastrickhouser@gmail.com.

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